ヤノベ ケンジ/Yanobe Kenji
21世紀の幕開けに伴い、ヤノベの創作テーマは明るい希望を前面に押し出す「リヴァイヴァル」へと移行します。2本足で立ちあがる3メートルの人形【スタンダ】は、その象徴とも言える作品でしょう。また、2011年の東日本大震災後には、希望のモニュメント【サン・チャイルド】を制作し、国内外で巡回しました。京都芸術大学で後進を育てる現在も、個性的な造形と社会的なメッセージを持ち合わせた作品を旺盛に作り続けています。直近では、大阪中之島美術館の開館に際して手がけられた【SHIP’S CAT (Muse)】が大きな話題を呼びました。
Kenji Yanobe is a contemporary artist who was one of the first to incorporate inspiration from Japanese manga, anime, and special effects films into his creations.
For Yanobe, who was born in Osaka in 1965, the site of the Osaka Expo, his childhood playground, was the starting point for his creations, which had a vivid impact on him. He constantly imagined the “ruins of the future” through scenes of exhibits and pavilions being dismantled and removed, as well as the remains of abandoned colossal robots, envisioning what could be born anew in the vacant lot where everything had vanished. In 1990, Yanobe, who had nurtured his creative sensibility in this way, came into the limelight with his “tanking machine”, an interactive work that allowed people to meditate inside a tank. In the 1990s, he created a series of life-size mechanical sculptures under the theme of “Survival in Contemporary Society”. In 1997, he began the “Atom Suit Project”, in which he dressed in radiation-sensing clothing “Atom Suit” and traveled to Chernobyl and the site of the Osaka Expo.
With the dawn of the 21st century, Yanobe’s creative theme shifts to “Revival” with bright hope at the forefront. The three-meter doll “Standa”, which stands on two legs, is the symbolic work mentioned above. In addition, after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, he created a monument of hope “Sun Child”, which toured in Japan and abroad. Today, he continues to actively create works that combine individualistic modeling with a social message, while educating younger artists at Kyoto University of Arts. Most recently, the work “SHIP’S CAT (Muse)” created for the opening of Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka garnered significant attention.
サイズ:H32.5×W17×13.5cm(ソフトビニール ed.300 オリジナルケース付)