黄 鋭/Huang Rui
黄鋭の代表作としては、門や窓といったモチーフを使って画面を分割した明るい配色の抽象画がよく知られています。たとえば、門がいくつも連なる北京の故宮を描いた【紫禁城(Forbidden City)】(1981年)は、主に赤や紫が用いられたデザイン性の高い作風で、それぞれの門から人影がのぞくことで奥行きが表現されています。また、六四天安門事件(1989年)直後には、強い憤りをぶつけたような、黒を基調とした激しいタッチの作品が発表されました。近年は、北京朝陽区の工場跡地を、様々なアーティストが集う文化スポット「大山子(ダァシャンズ)芸術区」(798芸術区)として再構築するなど、「星星画会」以来の新しい時代作りにも貢献しています。そして2023年には、中国のポーランド大使館にてウクライナへの連帯を示す作品【平和の欠如】を発表しました。カラフルな5つのカンヴァスに穴を開け、合わせると「PEACE」の文字が表れる本作品からは、自由な表現を求めて戦い続け、そして今もなお権力や暴力に抗う黄鋭の姿が鮮明に浮かびあがります。
Huang Loye (1952-), a painter born in Beijing, was a founding member of the Jintian literary group of modernist poets and the Xingxing (Stars) art collective.
During the Cultural Revolution, he was sent to Inner Mongolia for seven years, returning to Beijing in 1971. There, he met the poet Bei Dao (1949-), and in the following year, he connected with other poets who would later form the Jintian group. From 1975, he worked in a Beijing leather factory while continuing his artistic pursuits. After his release, he applied to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1977 but was denied admission due to his father’s former association with the Nationalist Party. Despite this, he persisted in creating art while holding a full-time job. In 1978, at the height of the democratic movement known as the Beijing Spring, the first issue of the literary magazine Jintian was published at Huang Loye’s home. Although the magazine was banned by the Beijing Public Security Bureau within a year, Huang Loye remained active on the editorial board, contributing art criticism and designing the magazine’s cover. Inspired by the vibrant activities of modernist poets, his desire for self-expression intensified, leading him to co-found the Xingxing (Stars) art collective with Ma Desheng (1952-) and Wang Keping (1949-) in 1979. Despite the group’s premature disbandment due to government restrictions, their efforts to challenge social oppression and established norms are significant in the context of contemporary Chinese art.
Huang Loye is best known for his vividly colored abstract paintings, often featuring motifs like gates and windows that divide the picture plane. For example, “Forbidden City” (1981), depicting the Imperial Palace in Beijing, employs predominantly red and purple hues in a highly stylized manner, with the shadows of figures peering through the gates creating a sense of depth. In the immediate aftermath of the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989, his work was marked by intense black strokes, reflecting a profound sense of outrage. More recently, he has contributed to the development of the Dashanzi (798) Art District in Beijing’s Chaoyang District, transforming a former factory site into a vibrant cultural hub. In 2023, he presented “Lack of Peace” at the Polish Embassy in China as an act of solidarity with Ukraine. This work, comprising five colorful canvases with perforations that align to form the word “PEACE”, powerfully embodies Huang Loye’s ongoing commitment to free expression and his resistance against power and violence.