
池松 一隆/Ikematsu Kazutaka


終戦の年、北九州市門司区丸山町に生まれた池松は、九州電力に勤務する父の転勤で福岡県内での移動を何度か繰り返す幼少期を過ごしました。大学進学を前に肺結核を患い、2年8カ月もの間療養を余儀なくされましたが、この頃病床で、幼い頃の自分が小刀を用いて小動物などを彫るのが好きだったことを思い起こし、美術大学への進学を決意したといいます。回復後、1966年に福岡市在住の彫刻家・小田部泰久(こたべ やすひさ、1927~2008)のもとを訪ね、デッサンと彫刻を教えてもらいました。また、1967年にはすいどーばた美術学院に入学して受験に備えますが、のちに2人展を共に開くことになる河原美比古(かわはら よしひこ、1948~)とはこの学校で出会っています。



Ikematsu, born in 1945, is a sculptor active mainly in Fukuoka Prefecture.

Born in Maruyama-machi, Moji-ku, Kitakyushu, in the year World War II ended, Ikematsu spent his early years moving frequently within Fukuoka Prefecture due to his father’s job transfers with Kyushu Electric Power Company. Before entering university, he was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and had to undergo a lengthy recuperation period of two years and eight months. During this time, he recalled his childhood fondness for carving small animals with a small knife and decided to pursue an art university. After his recovery, in 1966, he visited sculptor Yasuhisa Kotabe (1927-2008), who resided in Fukuoka city, and learned drawing and sculpture under him. The following year, in 1967, he enrolled in Suidobata Art Academy to prepare for university entrance exams, where he met Yoshihiko Kawahara (1948-), with whom he would later hold a two-person exhibition.

In 1968, Ikematsu entered the Department of Fine Arts Sculpture, Faculty of Art at Aichi University of the Arts, initially receiving training in clay modeling. From his third year onward, he began focusing on stone carving. Upon entering the master’s program in 1972, he acquired skills in metal casting and became drawn to the foundational stones at the ruins of the ancient Dazaifu Government Office, leading him to begin research into simple forms. After completing his master’s program, he held a two-person exhibition with Kawahara and soon presented two series that would become the foundation of his artistic career: “Transformations of Stone” and “Transformations of Water”. While the former expressed changes in shape due to human touch and the passage of time, the latter explored the fluid movement of water, first modeled in clay and then cast in bronze. In 1976, Ikematsu moved from Nagakute city in Aichi Prefecture to Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka Prefecture, where he worked as a part-time instructor at Mikatahara Gakuen, teaching children drawing and crafts. Four years later, he returned to his hometown upon being appointed as an assistant in the Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, at University of Teacher Education Fukuoka. While steadily advancing his career as an educator, he also became increasingly active in his own creative endeavors. Around this time, he stopped using the titles “Transformations of Stone” and “Transformations of Water”, opting instead for simple titles that referenced only the year of production, regardless of material. His works began to incorporate combinations of stone and metal, reflecting his growing interest in the shapes and forces of the earth. He also expanded his creative scope in the university’s stone carving studio. Throughout this period, he actively held solo exhibitions in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Fukuoka, and frequently submitted works to Japan-Korea and Japan-Germany exchange sculpture exhibitions. He was invited to exhibit at the Fukuoka City Art Exhibition, where he won the Mayor’s Prize, further solidifying his recognition.

In 1991, Ikematsu traveled to Italy as a long-term overseas research fellow sponsored by the Ministry of Education. Based in Florence, he immersed himself in ancient, Renaissance, and modern Italian sculpture while traveling across Europe to study numerous masterpieces firsthand. Currently, he works in Tsuyazaki Koinoura, Fukutsu City, where he continues his artistic pursuits. In his daily life, he finds beauty and intrigue in the world around him, shaping these inspirations into his art. Despite being crafted from hard, cold materials like stone and metal, Ikematsu’s sculptures possess a gentle warmth and softness, reflecting his deep love for nature and his firm belief that “Love the work you create. Create works that you love.”.

池松 一隆/Ikematsu Kazutaka

池松 一隆/Ikematsu Kazutaka

池松 一隆/Ikematsu Kazutaka

池松 一隆/Ikematsu Kazutaka


サイズ:43×43×60cm(1980年 ブロンズ 池松一隆作品集掲載)





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    550-0015 Japan

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